- Ann Voskamp
- I’ve spoken of my mothers and my broken relationship before and I’ll speak of it again. I am heartbroken when I see good moms and see how our relationship SHOULD be. I yearn for that. But I know that will never happen. Even when I broke down, opened my whole soul to her, my heartache and disappointment of what I wish she could be, how she should be; nothing changed. But after I got everything off my chest I felt lighter. I felt better. I know I cannot change the person she is. I only have control over my own actions. I vowed to be a better mom and grandmother. I always learn the most on how NOT to be when I see what I do not like. Ann Voskamp (2016) said “maybe our hearts are made to be broken to let the love in.”
- Anger Profile Survey
- I feel like the Anger Profile Survey accurate depicted how I handle anger. I am a “leaker”. It made me laugh when it said “Angry? Not me. Well, maybe just a little” (Ingram & Johnson, 2009). After going through the list of reasons I’m afraid of anger, fear of making a fool out of my self definitely hits the nail on the head. I am always worried about looking like a fool! I don’t however make excuses, procrastinate or become negative.
- Dave Moen’s TedTalk
- Dave Moen (2012) went into a battered wife’s room and told her that she needs to leave her husband or else he’s going to kill her. It was something that is so obvious to us and it was obvious to her as well, and she tried to leave and make her life better but it wasn’t working. I feel like that happens a lot in our practice where we judge patients and we tell them things like, “You NEED to get your diabetes under control” and they know that, but they just can’t. It’s not that they don’t know it’s killing them slowly but they enjoy eating those things that they shouldn’t and they’d rather live that life then one with healthy foods and exercise.
- Fred Lee
- Fred Lee shed light on how patients perceive blood draws. Its simple acts that we do every single day in practices that have become second nature to us as healthcare providers. We often forget how our patients might feel about certain procedures that we do. It was eye opening to watch and made me realize I need to do more explaining as I do things, no matter what is it. I always make small talk with my patients so that was nothing new, but I do see in some people the “scripts” that they have and stick to most of the time. I sent this to some of the corpsmen I work with because it think everyone forgets that our job is to take care of patients as a whole.
- “Crucial Conversation”
- Joseph Grenny (2015) said that “The way you act is influenced by how you feel.” He talks about the story we tell ourselves can completely change how we think and respond to people. After listening to this talk I will notice how I feel before reacting. Growing up, my parents always said, “Think before you speak” which goes along the same lines.
- He talks about how most people need to choose between telling the truth and keeping a friend. I’ve been in this predicament before and have always chosen to tell the truth with the thought that, “If it were me, I’d want to know.” We’re still friends. Most of my friends will describe me as blunt and honest.
- Simon Sinek
- I am a millennial but I’m on the cusp being born in 1984 J although I feel like I understand completely and can relate to most of what Simon Sinek has said. It’s crazy how he talks about social media as an addiction such as drug abuse and alcoholics. I didn’t grow up with cell phones in high school and I can’t imagine doing so. I would have been so distracted! My husband and I vowed to not give our children a cell phone until they can afford it themselves. Will we be the bad parents because everyone will have one but them?
- Simon says that we’re so obsessed with instant
gratification that things like love and job satisfaction aren’t there
(2016). Those take time and
patience and hard work and it’s not instantaneous. I am guilty of having Amazon Prime to
get 2-day shipping and to binge watch shows. After listening to his talk I instantly
went on Amazon to look for his book to purchase. He is an amazing speaker who can hold
all my attention (which is hard to do!)
- Matt Abraham
- I have taken Public Speaking two times to try and help with my public speaking anxiety and it hasn’t really helped me. Listening to Matt Abraham talk about effective communication was helpful. I enjoyed how he started out with a question and he said to treat it more as a conversation rather than a presentation. I’m going to use those techniques next time I have to speak publically.
- "Are you a toxic nurse?"
- After reviewing the Toxic Nurse test I have realized that I know some of those scenarios and I’m usually the one trying to defuse the situation than feed it. I answered no to all of the questions; therefore I am not toxic (thank God!) There is one older nurse who works with me and she’ll say things like, “management doesn’t care about us on night shift, if I fall asleep driving home they’d just look for a replacement and not care” which is so heartbreaking. It’s hard to turn that around into a positive moment but I always try. She’s a good nurses and a great educator but she is just so negative (Dellasega & Volpe (n.d.).
Abraham, M. (2014,
December 4). Think fast, talk smart: Communication techniques.
Retrieved from https://youtu.be/HAnw168huqA.
Dellasega, C. &
Volpe, R. L. (n.d.) Could you be a toxic nurse? From toxic nursing:
Managing bullying, bad attitudes, and total turmoil (ISBN: 9781937554422).
Grenny, J. (2015,
September 10). Mastering the art of crucial conversations.
Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-56_auKiKfA.
Ingram, C. &
Johnson, B. (2009). Overcoming emotions
that destroy: Practical help for those angry feelings that ruin relationships.
Mohen, D. (2012,
August 9). The future of patient-centered care. Retrieved
from https://youtu.be/hUsyuloD198.
T. & Malloch, K. (2015). Quantum leadership: building better
partnerships for sustainable health. Burlington, MA: Jones &
Bartlett Learning
S. (2016, December 28). Millennials in the workplace. [You
Tube Video]. Retrieved from https://youtu.be/5MC2X-LRbkE.
Voskamp, A. (2016, October 18). The
broken way. [You Tube Video]. Retrieved from https://youtu.be/wIBvu_udMqA
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